Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Bentley Advanced Map Finishing Fonts Dialog

Used to define the Bentley Advanced Map Finishing fonts.

Opens when selecting the Fonts Configuration item in the Map Finishing menu.

File menu

Allows you to load and save fonts.


Lists the MicroStation font number. The indicated MicroStation font is printed per the PostScript font information specified in the dialog .

Note: Exception -1 entries: Entries with a font number of -1 act as a safety net for fonts with different numbers but same names. When Bentley Advanced Map Finishing finds a font number that has no corresponding entry in the table, it checks the names of the -1 fonts. If it finds an entry with the same name, the unknown font is mapped to the matching -1 font.

MicroStation Name

Lists the original MicroStation name associated with the font number. The corresponding number can be changed to reflect the font's function in the drawing.


Lists the ratio between the MicroStation measurement of font tile size and the PostScript method. The range is almost always 1.2 to 1.4. See To calculate the correct scaling factor.

PostScript Name

Lists the name of the PostScript font. If Type is set to RESIDENT, a valid PostScript name must be entered. If PFB-FILE is chosen, the PostScript name is automatically set from the file.

Note: PostScript names are case sensitive and contain no spaces. They must be entered correctly to work.


Lists the font type.


Lists the font’s function.

Associated PFB File

Lists the name of the PFB file to associate with the MicroStation font if type PFB-FILE is chosen. This field can contain configuration variables, for example, $(MAPFINISHINGDATA)/pfbs/antiqua.pfb.

Browse For Link

Attaches the PFB file, listed in the Associated PFB File field, to a drawing. Files are checked to verify they are valid PFB files.


Creates a new font listing.


Deletes the selected font listing.


Closes the dialog without applying changes.


Saves changes and closes the dialog .